Saturday, May 7, 2011

I'm the Best by Lucy Cousins

I'm the Best
Candlewick Press, Somerville, MA, 2010.
Hardcover edition, 32 pages, ISBN 978-0-7636-4684-4.

Dog has a serious ego problem. He introduces himself with the unabashed declaration, "I'm the best." He proceeds to introduce his friends, toss off a couple of disclaimers--"I love them. They're great..."--returning to his self-centered mantra, "but I'm the best." He begins to list the ways in which he is superior to each of his friends. His friends now feel terrible and worthless. Mole rallies, however, and encourages each friend to speak up in their own defense with traits which outstrip Dog's. Suddenly, Dog realizes that he is a mean-spirited show-off, and apologizes to each in turn. The friends forgive Dog in a happy ending group hug. (But... on the last page, Dog is back at it again, relieved that he really is the best.)

This brief story, drawn in the style of a small child with crayons, throws the spotlight on the nature of friendship, and the importance of social interactions. Children are just beginning to observe personal differences, strengths and weaknesses, and need to be taught the importance of encouraging each other, as well as consideration for the feelings of others. Good discussion starter about what we do well, and what our friends do well.

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