Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Seals on the Bus by Lenny Hort

The Seals on the Bus
Illustrated by G. Brian Karas. Henry Holt and Company, New York. 2000.
Hardcover edition, 32 pages, ISBN 0-8050-5952-0.

The story begins long before this song parody of "Wheels on the Bus" rolls into action. The illustrations commence on the title page where a seal is laughing and playing ball at a bus stop. A hand lettered sign reads, "Come to the *BIG PARTY* everyone invited!" More pics of the bus stop with a waiting family of people adorn the copyright page, and the dedication page shows the bus carrying folks away into town.

"The seals on the bus go
The seals on the bus go
All around the town."

The mayhem begins, as the tiger, the geese, the rabbits, the monkeys, the vipers, the sheep, and the skunks all have their verses before the people on the bus go, "HELP, HELP, HELP!" The bus arrives at the party in the nick of time, and a good time is had by all.

Karas captures the hilarity of the crazy bus ride in colored pencil with a few newspaper shapes stuck on. The animal sounds move all over the pages, adding to the sense of chaos.

Most kids know the tune and can easily pick up the repeated chant with a few motions thrown in. A rowdy time will be had by all at this story time.

Easy memorization of the chant leads to picking out simple words of text. Animal recognition and onomatopoeia of their vocalizations aids in phonological awareness.

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